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Unitech MS632-1G Bluetooth Ring Barcode Scanner - 2D

20 In stock
£184.90 ex VAT each
£221.88 inc VAT
AvailabilityReady To Dispatch

The MS632 wearable ring scanner is an compact Bluetooth barcode scanner, allowing you to wear it on a finger to keep both hands free for easy movement scanning. This ring scanner can read 2D barcodes and it is designed to streamline the workflow for a wide range of applications such as warehouse, logistics, retail and inventory management.

Includes: Scanner, USB Charging and Communication Cable and PSU

1 Year Warranty



MS632 - DataSheet

Finance Example

Finance EXAMPLE for a basket with £2000 of goods

3 Years 4 Years 5 Years
Cost Per Day £2.17 £1.72 £1.44
Monthly Rental £66.82 £52.76 £44.38
Quarterly Rental £198.42 £156.58 £131.66

The above are for planning purposes only and are subject to credit acceptance and interest rate variations.

All rentals are subject to VAT

All rentals are in advance

Documentation fee applicable

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