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Discover Newland scanning solutions available at ERS.

Datalogic Direct Part Marking 2D Scanner

Datalogic direct part marking barcode scanners - Direct part marking and identification requires specific high density barcode scanning technology to enable reliable scanning of 1D and 2D DPM barcodes, ERS offers a Datalogic solution for DPM Barcode Scanning for all environments.

DPM is a process that allows users to imprint a barcode directly on an item instead of printing the code on a paper label. Different technologies are available to directly mark objects: laser / chemical etching, dot peening and ink jet printing. Each of these methods have specific advantages and disadvantages in terms of durability, cost and ease of reading.

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Cordless DPM Barcode Scanning Made Easy

PBT9500-DPM PowerScan Bluetooth DPM Barcode Scanner

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Prices From £555.04 +VAT
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